Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies Platform - Contributors

Writing for Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies

Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies is an ambitious project that is constantly growing, and we are always looking for dedicated and passionate academics to collaborate with us as authors. If you have experience or expertise in an area that we don’t currently cover on the platform, we’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch

Get in touch with our in-house commissioning editor who can talk you through what we’re looking for and put you in touch with the regional editor for your area.

Come along

Come along to one of our free monthly workshops for contributors, where we'll cover everything you need to know, including a demo of the platform and how to request a free trial for your institution.


Find out about the rewards of being an Author, including payment, discounts and access to Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies itself.

Our authors and regional editors also benefit from a dedicated support hub that contains everything they need when planning, writing and delivering their contributions. The site includes clear workflows, style and referencing notes, and a step-by-step guide to our Bloomsbury Content Manager.

If you have any other questions about contributing to BECS, just drop us a line.